
This first project aims at involving pupils in a research work that goes in pairs with the content of the file they'll be studying. Our pupils need just to be assisted:

1- Explain the project and its objective.

2- Form the groups, name the leaders and assign the tasks.

3- If some teachers or pupils join from other schools, put hand in hand.

4- Gather as many data as possible.

5- Finalize the first step of your project: Foods in your country then move to the following step: Foods from the region, then to Foods from 5 countries from the 5 continent.

6- Edit.

7- Comment.

8- Compile and publish.

More about our first project: Foods Here and There.


link to the details about the project.

Our 1st Project 2009

First, the pupils are asked to work in groups and gather as many pictures of food as possible. It is important to name each food in English and in Arabic which will be optional.

The teacher checks the work from time to time.

A pupil's work sample:

Once the pupils have gathered a respectable number of pictures,

the teacher organizes a vote to choose 12/16 to use for the project.

Chose pictures of fruits, vegetables or other foods that are not very familiar to the pupils for new knowledge.

Ask the pupils to do a research work and find a short description of on or two foods.

Swap the pictures and the information to be corrected then compiled into finalized projects.

Pupils present their projects and speak about their findings in front of their mates. They answer the questions if there are some.

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