Here we can find pupils, teachers or famous poems from the web.
They are put here to be read and exploited in class for the sake of grammar, vocabulary and rhyme.
To enhance our young pupils to reading poems will have a very positive impact on their improvement.
We don't want to test them or harden their life with "poems", so a good, judicious choice of the poems imposes itself.
TheTiger and the zebra Power Point Presentation :
You can use the Doc file, it is more practical:
You can hear the recitation at:
Suggested activity:
Ask the pupils to read the poem taking care to the pronunciation of the following words. Encourage them to use a dictionary for the pronunciation:
decline mine side hide
sigh stripy pride right
might tonight cried abide
complied fried smiled lied
You can choose other items containing another sound example /e/ - /i/ -/i:/
This poem can be used as an ongoing activity suppoty.
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