b j l m n p s v w yActivity B:Read this word : "beat" then change the first letter to get new words. Use the following letters:
h m n s tActivity C:Read this word : "bin" then change the first letter to get new words. Use the following letters:
f g k p s t w
They are put here to be read and exploited in class for the sake of grammar, vocabulary and rhyme.
To enhance our young pupils to reading poems will have a very positive impact on their improvement.
We don't want to test them or harden their life with "poems", so a good, judicious choice of the poems imposes itself.
TheTiger and the zebra Power Point Presentation : http://www.mediafire.com/?wzz3th2mn4q
You can use the Doc file, it is more practical: http://www.mediafire.com/?nytmtm024j2
You can hear the recitation at: http://www.poetry4kids.com/poem-237.html
Suggested activity:
Ask the pupils to read the poem taking care to the pronunciation of the following words. Encourage them to use a dictionary for the pronunciation:
decline mine side hide
sigh stripy pride right
might tonight cried abide
complied fried smiled lied
You can choose other items containing another sound example /e/ - /i/ -/i:/
This poem can be used as an ongoing activity suppoty.

Here is the MSYear 3 Teachers Guide:
Here is MSYear Teachers Guidelines:
Your duty is to enrich this space. Just write about the content of the meeting you hold and send it, be it a seminar, a meeting with your inspector or an in-service trainig.
First Meeting at Sheikh Naimi Middle School .
From 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
The official documents.
School Legislation.
The MS Textbooks.
The distributions.
The preparations.
In service Training Biskra October 27th, 2009
Under the supervision of the MSI.
This meeting gathered the coordinators. The debate was aboutthe following points:
Teacher vs supervisor.
Reflective Teaching.
A O B.
“Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.” Bill Bradley
“Never doubt that a small group of committed people can CHANGE THE WORLD, indeed it's the only thing that ever has” –Margaret Mead
Things are changing at a very high speed. Technology such as the internet, the computer, data show, language labs.... are largely used in schools these days. It a strong need to follow the change otherwise we'll be out of date and incompetent to do our jobs perfectly.
I believe that it is high time to organize ourselves in a way that we may be together in one click. We can share experiences, ideas, opinions, joys and sorrow. We may create a club to gather and boost our self professional development. We are able to cope with any situation.
I personally tried to convince many colleagues of mine to join and create a Club ( English Club) at the level of the Cultural Center. We had the agreement of the manager, we sent notifications to some colleagues for a first meeting but just one teacher came, and the idea was unfortunately aborted.
As a matter of act, the creation of a "Group" is imposing itself. that's why I took the risk and decided to launch this blog and create the group. The major objective is to meet then decide. Our blog is just one of the spacious fields that you can join and bring your participation.
Do it for your nation, your pupils, for yourself and for the future generation.
I can understand why we, as teacher advise the learners to work in groups, meanwhile we don't adhere the idea.
Let's do it together.
For teachers of our town ,if you need to ask about a point or discuss a subject. they can join the group and say something at:
Watch this video which is Fantastic, humbling and inspiring scenes. It’s about a child aged 14 from Africa . Struck by poverty and famine, a Malawian boy built a windmill to supply his family's home. Now at 22, William Kamkwamba, who speaks here, shares in his own words the moving tale of invention that changed his life.

“I have come to believe that a great teacher is a great artist and that they are as few as there are any other great artists. Teaching might even be the greatest of the arts since the medium is the human mind and spirit.”
John Steinbeck
So glad to meet you ,so happy to start blogging .This is Sheikh Naimi Middle School area, a space for everybody , our tiny corner on the web.
It is for the visitors who can keep in touch and get acquainted with our school and what is being done in it, especially in English.
It is for the teachers to use as a bridge to communicate with colleagues and get profit in any field.
It is for the the pupils as a resource spot and free expression space where they can find some information about what they are looking for or publish some of their works such as writings in forms of projects, texts, poems, magazines and so on...
We would be happy to receive any comments and any suggestions for the good of the blog and the improvement of our work.
Peace be upon you ,
This is the first review for 2009/2010 BEM. I will be preparing other reviews and share them soon if God wills .
you can download it Here : link
and you can read it on line :
Review for the BEM 2009-2010 File 1BEM 2009 + sample Corrections.
http://www.mediafire.com/file/lyz3mwoxyjy/BEM 2009.rar
BEM Question Papers from 1996 to 2007.
http://www.mediafire.com/file/2wrgjxhloun/BEM Questions From 1996 to 2007.rar
A teacher needs to prepare his lessons meticulously otherwise he won't succeed. Preparing lessons is very tiring but it is of great help.
This page includes file and lesson preparations that can be downloaded then adapted, enriched but surely and positively criticized.
- Unit Plan and Lesson Specification:
you can download the file from this link ,, or you can read it on line below
you can download the file from this link , or you can read it on line bellow
you can download the file from the link , you will find many documents which you will need
Good Luck for all .
The 1st Year program comprises 5 files with 5 project:
- File 1:Introducing Oneself and Getting to know someone
- File 2:Introducing people and speak about family members.
- File 3:Describing and locating places.
- File 4:Talking about present and everyday activities.
- File 5:Describing animals and talking about duties and rights.
File One. Introducing Oneself and getting to know people
Learn the alphabet :
Sing this song: link
A - B - C - D - E - F - G
H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P
Q - R - S - T - U and V,
W - X - Y and Z
Now I know my A - B - C's
Next time won't you sing with me?
A - B - C - D - E - F - G
H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P
Q - R - S - T - U and V,
W - X - Y and Z
Now I know my A - B - C's
Next time won't you sing with me?
In this file you introduce yourself and you say:
name :
age :
nationality :
Project By a pupil: MS Year 1.
This first project aims at involving pupils in a research work that goes in pairs with the content of the file they'll be studying. Our pupils need just to be assisted:
1- Explain the project and its objective.
2- Form the groups, name the leaders and assign the tasks.
3- If some teachers or pupils join from other schools, put hand in hand.
4- Gather as many data as possible.
5- Finalize the first step of your project: Foods in your country then move to the following step: Foods from the region, then to Foods from 5 countries from the 5 continent.
6- Edit.
7- Comment.
8- Compile and publish.
More about our first project: Foods Here and There.
link to the details about the project.
First, the pupils are asked to work in groups and gather as many pictures of food as possible. It is important to name each food in English and in Arabic which will be optional.
The teacher checks the work from time to time.
A pupil's work sample:
Once the pupils have gathered a respectable number of pictures,
the teacher organizes a vote to choose 12/16 to use for the project.
Chose pictures of fruits, vegetables or other foods that are not very familiar to the pupils for new knowledge.
Ask the pupils to do a research work and find a short description of on or two foods.
Swap the pictures and the information to be corrected then compiled into finalized projects.
Pupils present their projects and speak about their findings in front of their mates. They answer the questions if there are some.
Learners need to practice and process the language they are learning. The following activities go with FILE ONE MSY4.
Feel free to adapt and enrich. Do help me in case of any mistake.
Extra activities should be done in pairs or in groups as a research work that'll finish as the progression of the file finishes.
- Recycle adjectives and learn more:
- Practice table manners using the imperative:
- Practise Phonetic Transcription using a dictionary:
- Translate names of food from mother tongue to English:
- Look around and find recipes:
- Find photos of food and categorize:
Dear Colleagues,
It would be a great idea to email me any magazine you, your pupils or any other teacher has compiled. Just site the source to be mentioned.
The following magazines have been compiled by the teaching staff of Sheikh Naimi. They serve My Book of English One ( File 1/2/3).
I give you the permission to download, edit, print, diffuse and help our kids.
Our Magazine - Sheikh Naimi Middle School Ouled-Djel
My Magazine SheikhNaimiMiddleSchool by Habba Mohamed
One of the most confusing field of our job is the module of integrations. All the comments made by many of our colleagues reveal that they face trouble with this writing skill.
I do confess it is one of the hardest part of our job, but we can cope with it if we will.
To understand what a module of integration is, we need to grasp some "terminology about it:
- The situation of integration.
- Formulation vs question.
- Target competence.
- Know and know how.
- Criteria.
- Relevance.
-Syntactic coherence.
- Linguistic elements.
- Semantic coherence.
- Excellence.
- Evaluation.
The situation of integration is
Placement test are tests that make school authorities sure to put a fresh learner in a class that is the correct level for her/him. The score recorded decides the level of the learner. This can be used in private schools and some others.
In our schools, we can use it as an evaluation test to decide which level the learner has within the same class. This makes the difference. It works even if it is hard to achieve in schools where teachers face "hurdles" when it comes to printing.
MS1 Placement Test -Sheikh Naimi-Habba Placement Test for Ms4 20092010.
United We Stand, Divided We Fall.
One the most efficient issue to success is working together. People who share the work, collaborate, participate, make efforts in the frame of a group get better outcomes than those who work individually.
Teachers can be involved in projects, workshops or research work to achieve a topic "ensemble" and feel the joy and pain together. I believe that if some teachers get involved in a project seriously and follow the criteria of achievement, they'll understand their pupils responses. Thus, they'll be abler to guide, orient, help and assess the pupils assignments earnestly.
There are many ways in which teachers can activate but the most striking is :
International Education and Resource Network
IEARN is the world's largest non-profit global network that enables teachers and youth to use the internet and other
technologies to collaborate on projects that enhance learning and make a difference in the world.
Be positive and join us link to participate in a project. Our group is link and our ambitions are to organise, be positive and active to motivate the pupils to participate effectively. They can. You're sure. Opportunity knocks, so take it.
Hello Dear Brothers in arms,
Professionally speaking, we can help at any time. This is your corner where you can add anything provided that it has a narrow link with our professional development and improvement.
The new year has just begun with new challenges. We are obliged to share the work for it is too hard and it is becoming harder and harder because of extra circumstances.
In this page we may find :
2009/2010 distributions to be dowloaded here :
Extract the file and adapt accordingly.
Download Link : link
Professional links.
Official recommandations.
MS1 Distribution Sheikh Naimi 10-09-2008:
MS2 Distribution Sheikh Naimi 10-09-2008 MS3 Distribution Sheikh Naimi 10-09-2008 MS4 Distribution Sheikh Naimi 10-09-2008
Expecting suggestions and participations.
Send your e-mail :
Your Name : Your Email : Subject : Message : Image (case-sensitive): ![]()
Welcome. My name is Habba Mohamed. I’m a Middle School Teacher of English . I work in Sheikh Naimi Middle School . I live in the south of Algeria in a beautiful city called “Ouled-Djellal”, State of Biskra.
First, I do confess I didn't choose teaching as a job but Allah guided me to it. I thank Allah for this job that I have always loved and cherished though it is too hard and it doesn't pay well.
1975/76 is the year of my success at the baccalaureate. The following year I exercised as a substitute teacher in this school. I occupied that post for 2 years before I joined “Khadidja” training Institute in Batna. After the training session, back to Sheikh Naimi School where I had to struggle alone for a self professional development because I was the first " Algerian Teacher of English " in the” Daira “ of Ouled Djellal. Believe me the Pakistani Teachers who were here didn't give me a hand. I taught English for 2 years before I was called for the national service.
Just after the accomplishment of the NS I was "obliged" to join the Lycee for the need of service. We did our best for we were PEMs called to substitute PESs.
In 1993, I joined my school back and I am still here.
I have been loyal to this school because I love it. I knew fantastic people and had very rich experiences. I enjoyed teaching young learners and that joy still exists with the actual pupils even though many things have changed.
The hope for the best has never changed, has it?
I plan to retire soon. May Allah help me and guide me. Ameen.
The idea behind this blog is primarily to be an opportunity for me to write down some ideas. It’s a space to share resources, experiences, stories, successes, and failures.
I’m working with my ex-excellent pupil Zannouda Tahar who I thank very much for the valuable technical assistance to make this blog better. He is working on the technical side and the layout design. Currently , he is a student at the University of Computer Science ..May God to help him. Our wish is to improve.
If you have any question, any comment, pleaseplease don't hesitate and contact me. Your comments and opinions are always appreciated! I'll be pleased to help you. |